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Kimberly Craig

When Is The Best Time To Do Pilates?

I used to 100% be a do-my-Pilates-practice-at-night person. I’m more of a night owl than a morning person, so I’d get up, get myself together, go to work, come home, have dinner, and then take time for me & my mat. For YEARS I made that my routine. But I realized that a) it perpetuated my night owl tendencies, because I’d end up a little wired & excited from my practice, so I wouldn’t want to go to sleep for hours, and b) when I added kids into the mix, suddenly the end of ANY day felt like I had no gas left in the tank to even THINK about doing my practice.

So, I switched to during the day. I’d pick a time, usually around lunch, and I’d try to consistently make that my practice time. I struggled with this one, because unless I had an appointment with my own teacher, half the time I’d find an excuse, interruption, or distraction and end up NOT doing my practice. That inconsistency was frustrating, and I was far less committed than I wanted to be.

Now, I get up earlier than I “need” to (and don’t think this is easy for me; I’m no early bird, my friend!), and get my practice in first thing. I get up, let the dogs out, go to the washroom, get into my workout clothes, have a glass of water & lemon, let the dogs back in, and then head to my studio. No leisurely tea, no news, no distraction of any kind. I just go get it done!

If you ask me before I get on my mat if I like working out at the time, I’d give you side-eye. But if you ask me after I work out, I’d tell you I love it. There’s a lot of things about it I don’t love, but I DO love that I:

a) have no excuses first thing

b) take care of ME before anyone or anything else

c) feel accomplished first thing

d) start my body off with movement, which feels amazing

This requires me going to bed at a decent time (getting up early doesn’t work if I’m already exhausted), getting my morning prepped the night before, and giving up the expectation that I’m going to “feel like it” before I get started.

So, when is the best time to do Pilates?

That truly depends on you, your schedule, and when you can or will fit it in.

Are you a morning person?

Do it first thing! Wake up earlier, get your clothes, food, supplements, water, everything ready the night before, and jump in.

Are you a night owl?

Do your practice at night but try to give yourself at least an hour or two after you finish for your body to settle down & get ready for sleep.

Are you more alert at midday?

Try a session just before or after lunch! You don’t need a full hour to get in a decent practice. You can do great things for your body AND your mind even if you do 10 or 15 minutes.

But if you're a morning person that starts the day at 3 a.m. already, maybe waking up earlier isn't realistic. Maybe you need to work out at 9 a.m. to make it work in your day. That's the thing; if it doesn't work for you, you can always change it. Just because it works for a while one way, doesn't mean it will ALWAYS work well that way (kinda like everything else in your life, amiright?).

If you KNOW that no matter what time you try to do Pilates, it’s not happening on your own, that’s a great reason to book an appointment with your instructor! You have full permission to admit that you won’t do it if you don’t have someone waiting for you. You’re not alone!

Your Pilates teacher will always hold you accountable, and you’ll always show up, even if you "don’t feel like it". You’ll also get exactly what you need every time, so you'll always feel great (and you won’t have to think about what to do next).

As I continue to discover, the best time to do Pilates is when it works best for you. Be willing to figure out what you need to change to make consistency possible. You’ve got to be honest with yourself, realistic about your expectations, and ready for a lot of trial & error.

But it’s worth it. Go get out that mat!

Xo, Kimberly

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