Absolutely, you can learn Pilates online, and you can learn it very well!
Learning Pilates virtually is easy, convenient, and can be done from anywhere, so you can do it from home, the office or during work travel, at the cottage, or on vacation.
Here’s some easy tips and a few pointers to getting started:
Virtual Pilates Technology
You’re best off to use a laptop or tablet, since they have a larger screen and are easier to work with. You can use your phone in a pinch or if you didn’t bring your computer on vacation, but the first time you try Pilates online you’ll like it more if you have something bigger!
Get a wide-angle lens for your laptop or tablet camera (my private clients get one sent to them with their first full package!) so your teacher can see as much of you and your space as possible. Your arms and legs are long – even if you think they’re short – and it’s helpful to see your hands and feet during any of the exercises. They tell a lot about your connection, or lack of, so having a large picture is the best for feedback.
In your Zoom settings (I use Zoom for sessions; you may have a different connection), if you put the view to speaker and check off “hide self-view”, you won’t have to look at yourself at all. This tends to be helpful if you get distracted or hate looking at yourself. Even if you don’t hide self-view, your picture will be small, so it’s easier to focus on your Pilates instructor.
Have the volume all the way up. This is important both on your laptop volume AND your microphone volume in your Zoom settings. Be sure to have space around your laptop or tablet so your microphone isn’t blocked. It’s important to not only hear but to be heard!
Use the best lighting you can, placed in front of you or overhead. Lighting your space will help your instructor see more clearly how your body is moving, which lets them give you better feedback.
Prep for your session
Have your mat in as open an area as possible. If you’re limited on space, we can absolutely work with that, but it’s even better if you have a little room to move. Can you reach your arms overhead without hitting anything? Lying on your side, can you reach your top leg forward and back?
Double check that your Pilates teacher can see the whole mat on camera (with that wide angle lens!). If they can see the whole mat, they’ll see your hands and feet, and will get more feedback on what’s happening in your body.
Wear the most fitted clothing you feel comfortable in, preferably lighter in color. If you’re not comfortable wearing light pants, or a fitted shirt, don’t. But if you can, please do! It helps your instructor see you more easily on camera.
If you have any small equipment available, make them easily accessible. Having a small towel will be helpful to use for propping up your head, keeping your knees parallel, or finding connection through your backside.
Some other tips
· Your teacher will demonstrate the exercises for you when you first start. You’ll watch and then do the exercises yourself. Eventually they won’t have to demonstrate the exercises you consistently do.
· Your Pilates instructor will always say the name of each exercise, so you’ll be able to remember them. Knowing the exercise names helps your session flow more, because we’ll be able to get more in! It happens gradually, and there won’t be a test, so there’s no reason to stress!
· Always ask questions. Your instructor is there to answer any questions you have, and you’re encouraged to ask them. Anything that helps you connect more, understand better, or feel more comfortable is exactly what your teacher wants for you.
· Your Pilates teacher will give you visual and verbal cues, including ways to connect without touch. If something isn’t working, they’ll find another way for you to learn the connections you need. We also don’t expect you to “get” everything in your body right away! Pilates is a practice, not a perfect.
· Your first time trying Pilates online might initially feel a little strange, but you’ll feel supported and safe right from the start. You’ll quickly feel confident and capable, so don’t worry that you won’t succeed. My job as your Pilates teacher is to help you succeed, and I take your success seriously. The goal of Pilates is long-term, and it’s not about choreography. It’s about connection.
· An online private session is just like a session in person, with the ability to work out again with the replay of your session. Your Pilates instructor can see how you move, where you’re disconnecting, and how to correct it, even virtually.
· Online group classes are valuable not only for more focus time from the instructor – it’s easier to see everyone without having to physically move about the room – but also for the replay you can do at your convenience!
· Equipment isn’t necessary for your virtual Pilates sessions, but if you have the space, budget, and inclination, you can always get some! Pilates equipment lasts forever with minimal upkeep and holds its value. Ask your instructor for suggestions if you want to purchase new or used.
It’s nerve-wracking to do your first Pilates session, whether it's online OR in-person. This is a totally normal reaction for trying anything new! Use these suggestions to get more comfortable before you start, and feel the most prepared you can starting your Pilates journey.
I can’t wait to help you see how easy learning Pilates online can be!
Xo, Kimberly