Virtual classes were a “thing” before Covid took over the world, but a lot of people were reluctant to try them out. Then, suddenly, if you wanted a Pilates class, you HAD to do them virtually! Just like Pilates, virtual classes aren’t for everyone, but there are a LOT of people out there that love them more than in-person for their comfort, convenience, and for my introverts out there, the possibility of participating WITHOUT sharing your space with others!
I get that you can get sick of online everything (I’m looking at you, extroverts), but there are so many benefits to virtual classes, I think the positives outweigh the fact you don’t feel the same energy in the room from being in the same physical space.
Here are the 12 things that make virtual Pilates classes even better than in-person classes:
1. There’s No Commute
This is a HUGE time and stress-saver! You can access class from ANYWHERE.
I love that you keep working on whatever you’re doing until only a couple of minutes before class starts, and after class you can get right back to it. You’re saving money on gas, saving wear and tear on your car, and doing a small part for the environment. It's amazing if you hate driving after dark and the class is at night, or if you hate braving the rain or snow or scraping ice off your car.
One of the best things about online classes is that I’ve had people who’ve moved away be able to come back to me! It doesn’t matter if you live in the same city, same country, or even the same time zone – you can participate in any class virtually.
2. You Can’t Get Sick
I’m not just talking Covid. If s/one else has the sniffles, you’re not going to get it. You’re not wondering how well the last person wiped down the mat after class. You’re in your own space, and no one else’s germs are coming anywhere close to you!
This is also great if you’re not feeling 100% yourself. You don’t need to skip class because you’ve got the sniffles and are worried about some side-eye from the mat next to yours. Can’t pass the Covid screening? Quarantining? You only have to be with yourself.
3. To Be Seen, Or Not to Be Seen
I don’t recommend not having your camera on (how can I help you improve your practice if I can’t see you?), but you DO have the choice of having it on or leaving it off. You can have your display settings so you can see the instructor but no one else. You don’t have to see people & they don’t have to see you – which is an absolute impossibility if you’re in an in-person group!
4. You Can Jumbotron If You Want To
You can project your video anywhere you want. Most people use a laptop or tablet, but you can go as small as your smartphone or as large as the big screen TV in your living room (although picturing me on the mat like a giant makes me shudder a little, tbh…). You can also turn the volume up as high as you want if you’re alone!
5. You Can Take Up As Much Space As You Want
Ever been in group class and had to rearrange your body (or your mat) so you wouldn’t run into anybody else during Side Kicks or reaching out during Arm Circles? Unless you’re going to hit the couch, you pretty much have all the space you could ever want…all to yourself! No “oh, sorry!”, no wondering why the person behind you has no idea that you can feel there’s only 1/16th of a millimeter between their toes and your butt.
6. Your Pets Can Participate
Hands down, this is my FAVOURITE PART of online classes! Your puppies come for snuggles and kisses. Your kitty cats steal space on your mat (or rub up against your camera). I AM HERE FOR ALL OF IT! Who doesn’t love pet appearances??
7. You Can Still Comment
Everyone in my class can choose to have their microphone on or off. Some people leave their mics off until they want to ask questions or make a comment. Others leave it on the whole time so I can still here all of their dissent about the exercises that aren’t their favourite (or to remind me that IT’S WORKING). I also ask YOU questions, and whether it’s a comment back or a thumbs up, I love the give and take!
8. There’s NO Pressure
Seriously. You can’t tell if I’m looking at YOU or someone else in class when I take a pause to watch on my monitor! Unless I ask you specifically to do a move again or praise you directly, you can pretend I don’t even see you, if you want!
9. No Physical Corrections
As much as some people LOVE the reminder of gentle pressure at their shoulders, a hand at their back or my “power drill” finger while they’re scooping, some people HATE physical corrections. I’ve had in-person clients politely decline any physical corrections and I keep a wide berth, so they stay comfortable.
In virtual class I’ll give you cues to feel where I’d physically remind you of your connection, but there’s absolutely no touching (again, my introverts, breathe a sigh of relief).
10. Small Group Size
Some virtual classes DO go big, and can have 20, 30, even 50+ people in the group. I DON’T. I want to be able to give you each some individual attention!
Your technique and connection are important to me; that means I can’t be scrolling through pages of people or worse, only focusing on the first screenful of people. I always give you a comment or encouragement throughout, and with that many people, it would be impossible.
We keep it small, personal, and intimate.
11. Connection Before and After Class
I run my groups so you choose which class you go into…and you stay in it. You don’t change classes daily or weekly or monthly; you are part of your group for the whole session. This means you always workout with the same people, every class. You’ll know their names, their pets, and the exercises they love and hate (maybe the same as yours!!). We’re with each other week after week, so you always feel comfortable.
It’s always great with group class when people show up a few minutes early. We chat and catch up if you feel like it (you can participate or not, but I will say hello to you!), and I usually have a story to tell!
My favourite time is after the workout, when we take a few minutes to chat about your class. I like to hear what successes you had, what exercises you struggled with, and what you’d like to see more of. It’s a great time to ask questions if you weren’t comfortable asking during. We also talk about what’s coming up for the next class and I share if there’s anything you need to know about.
Of course, if you need or want to leave before we start the conversation or midway through, you’re always welcome to wave goodbye and go!
I enjoy the community and always take your comments to heart. I use your feedback to shape my classes, provide better services, and improve your practice.
It’s easy to feel alone online, so it’s important to me that we still have each other!
12. There’s Always The Replay
Life happens, and sometimes you just can’t make the class live. Each group class is recorded and posted about 24 hours later, where it stays accessible to you until it’s replaced with the next week’s replay. You can access it anytime, as many times as you like, during that week.
THAT’S MANY CLASSES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. You just need to make time for yourself!
If we have a week off, I leave the replay up for you so you can still get in a class. There’s a huge value in the replay if you choose to use it! You can work on the things you struggled with. You can do 15 minutes of the hour class if that’s all you have time for. You can fast forward through the things you hate (shhh…I didn’t say that! You should ALWAYS do the things you hate – that’s where all the progress lies!).
What’s not to love? I’ve given you 12 reasons why virtual Pilates classes are better than in-person classes. Do you agree with any of them? All of them? None of them? Let me know in the comments what YOU think of virtual classes! I’d love to hear.
Are YOU ready to get started in your virtual class? If you’re new to Pilates, this one is for you! If you’ve had some previous experience, this class is a fun one.
I can’t wait to see you online, on the mat!
Xo, Kimberly